Search Results
DevOpsDays Boston 2017- Open Sourcing Your Infrastructure by Tobias Macey
DevOpsDays Boston 2019 - Infrastructure As Data by Tobias Macey
DevOpsDays Boston 2018 - DevOps For Data Teams by Tobias Macey
DevOpsDays Boston 2017- Service Mesh: What, Why, And How? by Flynn
DevOpsDays Boston 2018 - Progressive Testing to Meet the Performance Imperative by Paul Bruce
DevOpsDays Oslo 2017, November 1st
DevOpsDays Boston 2018 - Centralizing Kubernetes and Container Operations by Oleg Chunikhin
Data Engineering Podcast with Tobias Macey
DevOpsDays Boston 2018 - Expertise vs Experts by Yegor Bugayenko
Open bidding needed for infrastructure projects
Strata 2018: Pipeline Testing with Great Expectations
Emacs.el Episode 3 - Tobias Macey and Chris Patti - VIM and Python